Fellowship program information

Our surgeons participate in an accredited Minimally invasive and bariatric surgery fellowship offering one position in per academic year. The fellow will gain expertise in a variety of laparoscopic procedures during this one-year clinical fellowship. These will include: laparoscopic hernia, solid organ, foregut, and colorectal procedures. The fellow may also choose a stream of more extensive experience in bariatric surgery (gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, revisional surgery). Fellows will work with six dedicated MIS surgeons at 3 sites in Winnipeg. Fellows will attend ambulatory clinics weekly and there will be a mandatory research component to the program. Current research in surgical education, clinical epidemiology and simulation afford fellows ample opportunity to improve their research skills. The fellow will complete at least one project suitable for peer-reviewed publication/presentation during the fellowship. It is expected that the fellow will be certified in the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Skills (FLS) program by the end of the year.

For further details on the program please visit The fellowship council program description https://www.fellowshipcounci .org/directory-of-fellowships/display-listing/ match=1&pid=1369 and our University of Manitoba page https://umanitoba.ca/medicine/department-surgery/minimally-invasive-surgery-mis-fellowship For information on applying to our program please visit https://www.fellowshipcouncil.org/applicants- for-fellowship/